Thursday, January 12, 2012

Where most diets fail

Where most diets fail: 1)  They’re not specific; everybody’s body is different. What works for one celebrity movie star of model, won’t work on everybody, or maybe not even any average person.
Learn your metabolism type to guide you in selecting foods for an ideal fat burning environment in your body.
Find the right sized portions for your body. Tiny, bird-sized portions are just as bad as gorging yourself.

Where most diets fail: 2)   They make you eat foods you don’t like: mung beans or cooked spinach or wheatgrass goat’s milk shakes.  You must eat food you enjoy or it won’t work. Willpower isn’t a muscle we like to use.

MKG: Chinese definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result .”